Startup incubation centre in Nigeria
innovation & incubation
centre of Excellence

Inspire Innovate Implement

To bring you the best platform for starting your next socio-economic idea into reality
We have established the IICE with the essence of the following
To inspire your minds to bring out the best ideas into reality, we bring a wide range of global expert mentors
To find most innovative approaches to make your dream projects into reality our team of experts make sure you get all the support including funding
From Govt licensing to reaching out to your target audience our team of experts assist you in all forms to enable your socio-economic project to be a great success.
Different pathways to get engaged with us
For inhouse students
All our students of any stream are eligible to either register their idea to the IICE Division of the University or they can apply to work on either of the running projects.
Non Student
Our doors are open for all individuals who want to make a difference and thereby the IICE Division accepts applications of individuals who have ideas which can be converted to something to benefit their community, additionally the IICE Division runs exclusive short term courses on Entrepreneurship and invites applications for people to work on running projects a well
For Industries
Having the best trainers and the best minds who are being trained, the IICE Division can provide companies/industries/Govt Bodies and all possible organisation with cutting-edge solutions from analytics to governance optimisation. We invite all to let IICE Division take care of your project management needs with highly skilled youth who are groomed at our incubation centre.
Career Counselling & Mentoring for assured job placements
At Mewar International University, we understand the need of ever demanding and amalgamated society and always thrive for the betterment of our students. As the world is moving towards Industrial 4.0, to match the needs of society, the IICE works as a Career Counseling and Mentorship Centre, which has been set up to provide in-house support and counseling sessions to combat the professional/ career related snags of students. IICE helps them to road map the future journey of their dream career. The students at different stages of life get stuck in mazes to find the successful career option as per their abilities and the skill sets they own. With a variety of career-oriented activities, IICE helps the students to illuminate their path in such difficult situations by providing guidance and helping them to acquire the skills as needed.
Overview of the Student Services of IICE
Guidance for Higher Education
Preparation for placements
Career Counselling
Entrepreneurship Guidance
Latest opportunities at the IICE Division
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