Scholarships and bursaries may be offered on the basis of a student’s academic abilities, household income, or a combination of both. The money could be used to help pay towards tuition fees, books, equipment, conference travel and etc.

What’s the difference between a bursary and scholarship?

The terms ‘bursary’ and ‘scholarship’ are interchangeable across universities. However, there tends to be one difference:

  • Scholarships are likely to be competitive and often supported by generous donors.
  • Bursaries are usually non-competitive, automatic and based on financial need. They may also be described as ‘awards’.

How do students apply?

Students don’t need to worry about anything, MIU Nigeria has a dedicated portal for managing all financial support related application opportunities. All newly applying students can apply for scholarship and bursaries available for them, while there are many more opportunities even for already admitted and running students.

Make sure they’re aware of the application process and any closing dates which may apply.
Not all awards may be administered centrally, and so some departments may have funds, scholarships or bursaries which our Directorate of Admissions might not be monitoring, are not necessarily have any involvement. To make sure that students maximise their student income, they should ensure that they check with the Directorate of Admissions website whether there are any such locally managed schemes which they may be eligible to apply for.